10 Fat Loss Workouts That Get Results

 As you look to shed those extra pounds and get into better shape, finding the right workout plan is essential. Simply going to the gym a few times a week or jogging when you can find the time will not cut it. You need a targeted, strategic approach focused on effective fat burning and muscle building to transform your body. The key is to mix up your routine and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. The following 10 fat loss workouts provide the challenge and intensity you need to get real results. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, there are options for all fitness levels. Commit to these workouts a few times per week along with a healthy diet, and you will start dropping pounds and toning up before you know it. The path to a new you begins today.

High Intensity Interval Training

High intensity interval training (HIIT) involves short periods of intense exercise followed by recovery periods. This type of training can be very effective for fat loss.

To perform HIIT:

Select exercises that raise your heart rate, such as sprinting, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and burpees. These full-body exercises maximize calorie burn.

Decide on a work-to-rest ratio, such as 30 seconds of exercise and 30 seconds of rest. Start with a 1:1 ratio and build up as your endurance improves.

Time yourself to ensure you are pushing yourself during the work intervals. Aim for an intensity where it is difficult to maintain a conversation.

Continue intervals for a total of 15 to 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week. This high intensity, short duration workout can produce similar or better results than longer, moderate workouts.

Increase the difficulty over time by increasing the work interval length, decreasing the rest interval, adding weights or hills, or increasing your speed and intensity. Your body will adapt, so continue challenging yourself.

In summary, HIIT can be an efficient and effective fat loss workout when performed correctly and consistently. The intense intervals help maximize calorie burn and increase your metabolism for hours after exercise. For the best results, combine HIIT with a healthy diet and strength training. With practice, your endurance and fat burning capacity will improve dramatically.

Strength Training With Compound Exercises

To maximize your fat loss, strength training with compound exercises should be a key part of your workout routine. Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that work several muscle groups at once, revving up your metabolism and triggering substantial calorie burn.

Some of the most effective compound exercises for fat loss include:

Squats: Squats engage your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Hold dumbbells or a barbell across your shoulders to make squats more challenging.

Lunges: Lunges work your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. Step one leg forward and lower your body until both knees are bent at about 90 degrees, then push back to the starting position.

Pushups: Pushups work your chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles. If standard pushups on the floor are too difficult, do knee pushups or incline pushups with your hands on a bench or chair.

Rows: Rows work your back muscles as well as your biceps. Use dumbbells or a barbell and pull the weight up to the side of your torso by drawing your shoulder blades back. Squeeze your back muscles at the top and slowly lower back down.

Overhead press: The overhead press works your shoulders and triceps. Hold dumbbells or a barbell at shoulder level and push the weight straight up overhead while keeping your core engaged. Slowly lower back down to your shoulders.

Perform each exercise for 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, with 60 to 90 seconds of rest in between sets. Increase the amount of weight and decrease the number of reps over time as your strength improves. Be consistent and patient, and the fat will melt away.

Circuits With Bodyweight Exercises

Circuit training with bodyweight exercises is an efficient way to burn fat and build muscle without equipment. By cycling between exercises with little rest in between, your heart rate stays elevated to maximize calorie burn.


Squats are a full-body exercise that primarily target your legs and glutes. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and lower your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push back up to the starting position. Aim for 10-15 reps.


Pushups work your chest, shoulder and triceps muscles. Start in a high plank position with hands under your shoulders and body in a straight line. Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the floor. Push back up by straightening your arms. Do as many pushups as you can with good form. You can modify to knee pushups or incline pushups if standard pushups are too difficult.


Lunges are another exercise that work your legs and glutes. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, step one leg forward and lower your body until both knees are bent at about 90 degrees, and your back knee nearly touches the floor. Push back to the starting position. Alternate legs and do 10-15 reps on each side.


Planks work your core muscles. Support yourself on your forearms and toes and hold your body in a straight line for 30-90 seconds. Engage your abs and don't let your hips sag.

Repeat this circuit 2-3 times. Start with easier variations of each exercise and build up as your fitness improves. Stay hydrated, stretch and get enough protein to aid muscle recovery. This type of high intensity interval training can provide an efficient fat burning workout in under 30 minutes. Including resistance training in your routine will boost your metabolism and build muscle to rev up your fat loss results over the long run.

Tabata Workouts

Tabata workouts are one of the most effective fat loss workouts. They are short, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that provide an efficient cardio workout in just 4 minutes.

What is Tabata?

Tabata training is a form of HIIT that uses 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. These short bursts of intense exercise have been shown to improve both aerobic and anaerobic capacity. The varying intensity also helps to boost your metabolism which aids in fat loss.

How to do a Tabata workout

To perform a Tabata workout, choose an exercise like squats, pushups, burpees or jumping jacks. Then:

Warm up for 5 minutes to prevent injury. This can include light cardio, dynamic stretches, and mobility exercises.

Perform your chosen exercise at maximum intensity for 20 seconds. For example, do as many squats as you possibly can with good form in 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds. Stop exercising but stay in your workout area. Catch your breath and prepare to go again.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for a total of 8 cycles, which takes 4 minutes.

Cool down for 3-5 minutes with light walking and stretching.

For the best results, aim for 3-4 Tabata workouts per week, with rest days in between for maximum recovery and fat burning potential. You can also mix up the exercises to avoid plateaus, e.g. do pushups one day and burpees the next. The key is to push yourself to maximum intensity during those 20-second bursts. Tabata may be short, but it is incredibly effective!

Full Body Workouts

Full body workouts are one of the most effective ways to lose fat. By working multiple muscle groups at once, full body workouts maximize calorie burn and increase your metabolism for hours after your workout.### Compound Exercises

Focus on compound exercises that work several muscle groups simultaneously. Exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, rows, shoulder presses, and pull-ups are excellent options. These demanding exercises burn more calories and stimulate greater fat loss compared to isolation exercises.

High Intensity

Perform the exercises at a high intensity by using heavier weights and pushing yourself. For example, do pushups on your knees to make them easier or hold dumbbells while doing lunges. High intensity interval training, where you alternate between periods of intense exercise and recovery, can be very effective for fat loss.

Limited Rest

Keep rest periods between exercises short, around 30 to 60 seconds. This elevated heart rate leads to a higher calorie burn. Be sure to stay hydrated during your workout.

2-3 Times a Week

For the best results, aim for full body workouts 2-3 times a week, with at least one day of rest in between for maximum recovery and muscle building. Start with 2 workouts a week, and build up as your endurance improves.

Sample Workout

Here is a sample full body fat loss workout:

Squats: 3 sets of 10-15 reps

Pushups: 3 sets to failure

Rows: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

Shoulder presses: 3 sets of 10 reps

Planks: Hold for 30-90 seconds

Perform this workout 2-3 times a week, with 1-2 minutes of rest between exercises and sets. Increase weight and difficulty over time as your endurance improves. Combine full body workouts with a healthy diet for effective and long-term fat loss.


You now have 10 fat loss workouts that have been proven effective by fitness experts and regular people alike. The key is to choose 2-3 of these workouts each week and stick to a consistent schedule. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away - fat loss is a challenging goal that requires determination and patience. Stay focused on your motivation for becoming healthier and use that drive to push through when times get tough. If you commit to these workouts, clean up your diet, stay hydrated, and get enough rest, you absolutely can achieve your fat loss goals and feel better in your own skin. The power is in your hands, so get out there and get to work! You've got this.

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